Well after what has seemed to be a lot of Monkey Gym classes I have only just finished my first 10 attendance ‘coffee card.’ The 10th class is free (which gives you a great little goal to work towards!)
Interestingly, I had used 2 of the sessions last year, and re-commenced going in January 1 or 2 times a week, after the Monkey Gym workshop. Which means in 2 months I have gone ONLY 8 times. While away in Queensland studying iRest in mid-Feb, I didn’t attend for 10 days.
I tell you these minor details because for the past 15 years I have weighed no greater than 64 kg, sometimes weighing as little as 62 kg. The other day at my sisters I hopped on the scale to discover I was 67.8 kg. I re-weighed myself a week later at my parents house (different scales) and was 68.2 kg (pre-toilet) and 67.8 kg (post-toilet). My diet is still the same, if anything during summer I tend to eat less. I can only put this weight gain down as being the muscle I have gained in the 8 Monkey gym sessions over the past 2 months. The actual time you are ‘working’ and putting the body under strain in a 1 hour class is as little as 20-25 minutes overall. The rest of the time you are breathing, panting, laughing, talking or moving to another piece of equipment, watching the other ‘Monkeys’ work-out.
Interestingly an ex-flatmate and my current flatmate have both noted how my arms and body have become broader and I am ‘looking’ bigger in stature. Something one can’t really tell by oneself, unless one spends hours observing oneself in the mirror.
The past 2 times I have attended Monkey Gym (once a week since returning from Queensland), I have also felt weaker, due to a slight virus & changing weather patterns. And felt even though I have kept up with the training – I don’t feel like I am doing as much or doing the exercises properly.
Time will tell! I have taken photos last year and in January of my torso, front, back and sides and will post in a few months when I can compare the change visually.
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