CoreyGradbwsmallI draw from a lifetimes experience of continuously being surrounded by children and observing & encouraging their growth.  Being the eldest grand-son of my maternal grandparents, not a year went by during my teens & twenties, where a new cousin wasn’t born into the world.  I consider myself a big kid, and prefer hanging-out with the kids to play.  I’ve spent time working as an Au-pair for teenagers in London & now have a new generation of nieces & nephews, that I adore, & who teach me so much about the world, and about being a real human being.

I founded SKY after years of practicing yoga myself and from the ongoing experiences gained from teaching adults through my Serenity Now Yoga business.  I’ve now also moved into more specialist areas, teaching yoga & relaxation to teenagers at Regen, a drug & alcohol detox facility and the young teens at the Melbourne Youth Justice Centre.
I consider it a rare privilege to teach children at risk, and it has had a huge impact on me, both personally & professionally.  I’m constantly humbled and challenged as I enter a class prepared to teach & then forced to abandon my entire plan, to teach in the moment, catering to their current needs & abilities.  The challenges these kids face daily & the burning questions they have, (often unrelated to yoga) keeps me constantly reflecting on my own life.  They can spot a fake a mile away, so beneath my teachers hat, is simply Me!, role modeling who I am, as I teach the truth that I have learnt, on my own journey.

After completing two specialised children’s yoga courses with Di Lucas, co-director of Gita International & founder of Khuti School and Gopala Yaffe, founder of Rainbow Kids Yoga, I want to give all children this rare opportunity to develop far beyond the social norms by sharing all this wisdom I’ve gathered along the way.

By allowing children to grow in a non-competitive environment, we can help foster their greatest potential!